Finally, Firefox is on iOS..I was really excited to start using this browser and sync it with my desktop shortcuts etc. I even made it my default browser in Outlook. First few weeks was fine, but then a found an issue with opening link from Outlook. Firefox would open but fail to load the page and Firefox would just freeze. So now I stopped using Firefox to open links from Outlook.
During these couple of weeks...I cant even use the damn app! I open the app from my home screen, run a search or tap on a short cut...and it freezes, unresponsive! FRUSTRATING AS HELL. I hate this app so much, Ive removed it from my front page and buried it in a folder at the end of my app list. Im hanging on to for the next few updates hoping itll win some love. But as of right now, JUNK! Sorry guys.
Sal Champ about Firefox: Private, Safe Browser, v2.1